Canine Assistants
Track crucial information about Canine Assistants’ dogs through a secure and accessible database.

About Project

Our Client
Canine Assistants
Canine Assistants is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to educating people and dogs so they may enhance the lives of one another. They specialize in placing service dogs with people who have difficulty with mobility, epilepsy/seizure disorders, or Type 1 Diabetes as well as placing dogs in pediatric hospitals and similar facilities.
Our Process
Product Scope
Client Goals 🥅
A centralized location for information on Canine Assistants dogs could store information about a dog’s past health history and track current issues. Such a data history could help pinpoint frequent struggles a service-dog-in-training faces.
End-User Goals ⚽
A web-based dog database that can store basic information and dated logs for each dog. Because there is some information that is sensitive for non-staff, the application will implement access levels to ensure separation between staff and volunteers. Staff should be able to decide whether a log can be viewed by volunteers or not. Volunteers can decide if a log should be viewable by only staff or staff and other volunteers.
Our Solution
Key Features
Account Creation
Staff, volunteers, and admin members will be able to log in to the application. Only staff members will have the ability to add new dogs to the database, and update the basic biographical information about the dogs.

Logs for Dogs
The database will keep track of the dogs’ basic information, such as their homes, birthdays, program status, and health updates. All of these logs will be dated and displayed in chronological order. There will also be a clear distinction between logs added by staff vs volunteers. Both volunteers and staff will be allowed to edit and delete their own logs.

Filtering and Searching
The application will allow for admin to quickly filter through the database by DOB, location, sorting, etc. They will also be able to search for dogs by name.